When the sun is out, and the wind is still, you’re one month on in the middle of May.” -Robert Frost
May 13, 2022
A Message from me…
Good Afternoon!
There is a great vibe in the air at Jerome. Students and staff are enjoying our final weeks together! Please let us know if you have any questions or need any support as we finish STRONG!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Order Prom Photos!
To order HR Imaging photographer photos from Prom: Click Here.
(SEARCH: Dublin Jerome High School)
Log in to view and purchase.
Celebrate our Seniors Week!
Parent Q&A and PTO General Meeting
When: Wednesday. May 18th, 6pm
Where: This is an online event.
When: Friday, May 13, 2022. Gates Open at 6:00 p.m. Action starts at 7:00 p.m.
Rain Date: Saturday, May 14, same times and location.
Where: Dublin Coffman High School Stadium – under the lights!
Jerome will be having their team sign-ups and assembly on April 22nd to contribute to this great cause. More details about our building level events will be shared after spring break!
Tickets: Beginning April 13th, tickets are available for $7 in advance through Hometown Ticketing – you can access it by visiting our website or the app. The ticket price increases to $10 on the day of the event. Tickets will also be available for $10 cash at the gate.
Martin W. Essex School for the Gifted and Talented summer 2022 dates: June 19 – 24, 2022.
The purpose of the Essex School is to provide enrichment experiences for rising eleventh and twelfth grade students who are identified as gifted and talented in Ohio. The School will explore academic and/or artistic pursuits at a level not always possible in the typical high school classroom. The topics addressed by the seminars and workshops will reflect the interests of the students and will have an eye, especially on salient contemporary issues. The following are more details about Essex School.
- Deadline: Application due date: May 31, 2022.
- Cost: $150.00 (financial assistance available – see Financial Aid application for more details).
- Who: Rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors for the 2022-2023 school year.
As we wrap up this school year, the PTO is already planning for next year! We have LOTS of exciting things in the works for our teachers and students! But we have a few positions open that we need to be filled in order for it to all happen! Find a friend and please step in and reach out to Amy Lefeld Niekamp or Sacha Schroeder Bonny.
- Sophomore Parent Reps– work with the Teacher Advisors and Sophomore Cabinet on some fun Fall activities and the Winter Dance. A lot of this is being the point person to line up needed volunteers.
- Junior Parent Reps -working with the Teacher Advisor and Junior Cabinet to make Prom a success. This role is again, being the point person to line up needed volunteers.
- PTO Vice Presidents – The main role of the VPs (a tag team of 2 works great) is fundraising. This includes the Fall Raffle (lining up donated gifts), the Dinner Night Outs, and coordinating with the Hospitality group. Our goal is to make it the BEST YEAR for them with ALL of the activities!
Dublin City Schools Updates
Dodgeball is Tonight!
The Dublin City Schools dodgeball tournament is tonight at Dublin Coffman stadium and will benefit Honor Flight. Details are available here. Make a donation at this link!
Summer Reading 2022
Reading over the summer is a critical way to maintain and build upon the reading habits developed throughout the school year. Dublin City Schools values our students’ reading lives; therefore, we will provide year-round opportunities for our students to engage in experiences that will allow them to grow in literacy. Click here to read information for the 2022 Summer has been updated on the District website.
Youth Activities – New activities added
Check out our youth activities web page regularly to stay up to date on the most recent activities available for students outside of school.
Underclassman Last Day (Half Day)
When: Friday, May 27th, 8am
Where: 8300 Hyland-Croy Road, Dublin, OH
- Busses will run at 11:25am
Eversole Run Middle School Weekly Newsletter – Published May 13, 2022
Dublin Coffman High School Weekly Newsletter – Published May 13, 2022
Abraham Depp Elementary Weekly Newsletter – Published May 16, 2022