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Abraham Depp Elementary Weekly Newsletter

Love-a Lava
Mrs. May’s 4th graders created lava lamps to explore conservation of matter.

Brrright Students
Third graders in Mrs. Smith’s class designed array sweaters in math workshop.

Creative Math
Mrs. Parrett’s 2nd graders used a clothesline to look at proportional reasoning and equivalency between numbers.

Lunch Information
Please click HERE for anything and everything regarding school lunch for this year.
1st Grade Lunch: 11:45-12:05 p.m.
2nd Grade Lunch: 12:00-12:20 p.m.
3rd Grade Lunch: 12:15-12:35 p.m.
4th Grade Lunch: 12:30-12:50 p.m.
5th Grade Lunch: 12:45-1:05 p.m.
Elementary School Menu
Add money to your child’s lunch account

Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in volunteering at Depp, you will need to begin the background check process through Secure Volunteer. It’s easy and takes less than 5 minutes! There will be multiple volunteer opportunities throughout the year.

Counselor Corner * Mrs. Amy Diller * December 2022
What’s All the Fuss About Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is purposefully taking time to focus only on the present moment. Simple enough, right? The problem is, in a world where being busy is the norm, it can feel impossible to just sit and be for any amount of time. Not to mention, we are all used to having a million thoughts running through our minds at any given time. So, how do we learn to be mindful when all that is going on? The good news is that it can be easier for kids than adults. So, let’s help them start now! Also, with practice it does become more natural. You don’t need a lot of time to do it either. Just 5-10 minutes!
You might be wondering, why even bother? Research shows that mindfulness can help in multiple ways. It can decrease anxiety, stress and impulsiveness. It can help improve mood and help us face challenges that come our way. If that is true, then mindfulness can have a positive impact on a child’s physical and emotional health as well as their academic performance. Who doesn’t want that for their child?
I weave mindfulness exercises into my work with students often and I know our teachers do as well. If you are wondering about how to practice mindfulness with your child(ren) at home, below are great resources to get you started (and keep you going)!

The Power of Mindfulness

Books for Kids:
Breathe Like a Bear by Kira Willey
Peaceful like a Panda by Kira Willey
Mindfulness for Kids in 10 Minutes a Day: Simple Exercises to Feel Calm, Focused, and Happy by Maura Bradley
A Kids Book About Mindfulness by Caverly Morgan

Community Resources Available to our Families
Are you experiencing economic hardship such as: job loss, death of a family member, sudden move, divorce, health issues, or an unexpected emergency? Dublin City Schools partners with many organizations that can help!

Click here for more information.

Monday, December 19th – Monday, January 2nd
No School // Winter Break
Classes resume on Tuesday, January 3rd

Tuesday, January 10th
Yearbook Candid Picture Day

Monday, January 16th
No School // Presidents Day

Dublin Jerome High School Weekly Newsletter – Published December 9, 2022

Eversole Run Middle School Weekly Newsletter – Published December 9, 2022